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Mariska from Law and Order: Age and Legal Information


Old Is Mariska Law Order

Mariska Hargitay, best known for her role as Olivia Benson on Law and Order: SVU, has captured the hearts of millions with her strong and compassionate portrayal of a dedicated detective. Fans show, us probably about age talented actress. Her appearance timeless beauty, hard believe been industry as has.

Mariska Hargitay was born on January 23, 1964, in Santa Monica, California. Makes Years old. Yes, that`s Mariska Hargitay Years old still strong! Her age come surprise some, she continues defy effects time remain stunning ever.

Birth Date Age
January 23, 1964

Mariska`s dedication to her craft and her commitment to staying fit and healthy are evident in her youthful appearance. Become inspiration many, showing age just number right mindset lifestyle, can all age gracefully.

Her role as Olivia Benson has not only made her a household name but has also brought attention to important social issues, from sexual assault to domestic violence. Mariska`s passion for advocating for victims` rights has earned her a special place in the hearts of her fans and has made her an influential figure in the entertainment industry.

As we continue to watch her in new episodes of Law and Order: SVU, we can`t help but admire her talent, compassion, and timeless beauty. Mariska Hargitay is truly a force to be reckoned with, and her age is just a number in the grand scheme of her incredible career and impact on the world.


Legal Q&A: Old Mariska Law Order?

Question Answer
1. Can you legally disclose Mariska Hargitay`s age? Well, isn`t Mariska Hargitay just the epitome of grace and talent? While we love to fawn over her, legally speaking, her age is public information and can be disclosed.
2. What age did Mariska start her role on Law and Order? Mariska Hargitay`s journey on Law and Order began in 1999 and oh, what a journey it has been! She was in her mid-thirties at the time, but her talent is timeless, don`t you think?
3. Is it legal to use Mariska`s age in a publication or article? Mariska Hargitay is a force to be reckoned with, and her age is indeed fair game for use in publications and articles. Just remember to do so with respect and admiration for her incredible career.
4. How old is Mariska currently? It`s hard to believe, but Mariska Hargitay is in her late fifties and still slaying the game! Time really does seem to stand still for her, doesn`t it?
5. Can Mariska Hargitay`s age be used in a legal document? Absolutely! Mariska Hargitay`s age is a matter of public record and can be used in legal documents as needed. It`s just another testament to her enduring legacy in the entertainment industry.
6. Is it legal to ask Mariska`s age in an interview? While it may be a bit gauche, it is indeed legal to ask Mariska Hargitay her age in an interview. But really, wouldn`t you rather talk about her incredible contributions to the world of television instead?
7. How old was Mariska when she first appeared on television? Mariska Hargitay made her television debut in the early 1980s, when she was in her late teens. Her star has been shining bright ever since!
8. Can Mariska`s age be used in a court case? Indeed it can! Mariska Hargitay`s age is a matter of public knowledge and can be utilized in court cases as necessary. Her impact on the legal and entertainment world is truly unparalleled.
9. How old was Mariska when she won her first Emmy? Mariska Hargitay won her first Emmy in 2006 and she was in her early forties at the time. It`s amazing to see her continually excel in her career, isn`t it?
10. Is Mariska`s age protected by privacy laws? As much as we treasure Mariska Hargitay`s privacy, her age is not protected by privacy laws and can be shared as needed. After all, it`s just another testament to her remarkable journey in the entertainment industry.


Legal Contract on Mariska`s Age in Law and Order

This contract is entered into on this day [Insert Date], by and between [Insert Name of Parties], hereinafter referred to as „the Parties”, for the purpose of determining the age of Mariska Hargitay, an actress known for her role as Olivia Benson in the television show Law and Order: SVU.

1. Identification Mariska Hargitay 2. Age Determination 3. Governing Law
Mariska Hargitay, born on January 23, 1964, is a renowned actress with a successful career in the entertainment industry. She is best known for her portrayal of Olivia Benson in the long-running TV show Law and Order: SVU. The Parties agree to acknowledge and accept that Mariska Hargitay is currently [Insert Age] years old, based on the official records and documentation provided. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of [Insert State], and any disputes arising from or related to this contract shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of the said state.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this contract as of the date first above written.

[Insert Signature Party 1] [Insert Date]

[Insert Signature Party 2] [Insert Date]